Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving and Birthday

We just came home from another trip to Arkansas. We had a great Thanksgiving with my side of the family. We haven't ever had Thanksgiving at my grandparent's house, so it was great to see everyone. Tori did great in the car. We cheated and bought a DVD player for the car. I'm not sure why we didn't do that before. We didn't use it a whole lot, but it was really nice when we did.
My dad had his first birthday as Paw Paw.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall pictures

My family came over tonight for Audra's birthday dinner. Audra took some fall pictures of Tori. I'm not sure how it is already mid November. It is going so fast! Happy Fall!

Delores got her a Mickey Mouse chair for Disney World. Tori already loves reading in it.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Trip to Searcy

Tori and I packed up and went to Arkansas again. I was glad that Keeley and Stacey rode with us. This trip was for a little reunion and baby showers in Searcy. It was a quick trip, but it was worth it to see all my friends. Saturday was full of activities. Tori was a trooper. We had a lunch, shower for Jaren, Homecoming game (Lauren came down for the game), shopping (that was cut short because everything in Searcy closes at 4:00), dinner, shower for Amanda, and dessert. I even tried to make Tori stay up late because of the time change, but that didn't really work. It was so great to see everyone!
Our little Harding girls!

I hadn't seen Summer in almost 4 years. It was good to see you and Maggie!
Thanks Missy for letting us stay with you! We had a great time.