Monday, January 25, 2010


I let Tori play outside (for 10 minutes and with lots of layers) today. For the record it was snowing and 40 degrees. She was cleaning the slide when I took this picture.

EC and Will came over to play outside one day.

This was Brooke's birthday party. It was Tori's first princess party.
This playset has already provided us hours of entertainment. Now, I just need to teach Tori how to pump her legs to swing by herself.

Just chillin'!

Kobes and Grandmas

We went to Kobes and Grandma's house with all of Bryan's family.

Santa came again!

Merrill, Tori, and Emery

Merrill, Emery, Caden, Macey, Tori, Madison, Brady

Christmas with Paw Paw and Mae Mae

Next, we headed to Paw Paw and Mae Mae's house. We ate a non-traditional Christmas dinner with ribs and opened presents. The kids had a great Christmas day.

Don't ask about this knight or whatever he is. This was a hiding place for a scavenger hunt for Cole's enormous toolbox.

So, I've been wanting to get the kids a playset for the backyard. My parent's neighbors have one that Tori loves. My parents and grandparents surprised us all and gave them one for Christmas. Let me tell you...I was super excited not to make this purchase...and the best thing is my dad MADE it!

Christmas at Mimmy and Pops' house

We ate such a yummy brunch at Mimmy and Pops' house then opened more presents.

Yes, this is a plunger. Her Aunt Jessie took her to the bathroom recently and Tori saw a plunger and was very curious. Tori told her that she was going to ask Santa for a pink and purple plunger and Jessie delivered.

These cars are so great! Brady rides in his car all the time!

Tori and Macey and Madison got kitchens for Christmas. It's a big hit at our house!

Christmas at home

We spent Christmas morning at home. We woke up and Santa had eaten his cookies, drank his milk, and left some presents. We let the kids opened presents and played for a little bit, then we headed to Mimmy and Pops' house.

George Jones' lights

We went to George's again to see the lights. It wasn't freezing, but it was very windy. The kids really had a good time!

We had to save Brady from Tori in the manger.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cookie time

Everyone has to make cookies during the holidays! We went to Amanda's to make cookies one day. The kids loved it!

Emma Cate, Tori, and Skyler
Will and Brady

School Program

Tori at her Christmas program. She loved being front and center to sing her songs!

Brady enjoyed the beginning of the program, but fell asleep sitting up.

Mary Harbin and Tori have been in the same class for the last couple of years.

Church Christmas party

We had a Christmas party at church again. The kids love it!!
Cinderella and her prince were there.
Along with Mrs. Clause and Santa. Madison was really happy to see them:)

Brady and Tori.

Tori, Charlie, and Meredith...Tori loves babies!

A cousin shot...not working that night!

Tori was happy to see everyone from Toy Story. She did not want to leave them. She visited with them several times during the night.

Christmas time