Brady's stats from his 18 month appt. This is for my baby book.
26 lbs. 33 inches
Brady is all boy. He loves bats, balls, hats, and trains. His favorite word is no. I am ready for that phase to be done. He can say a few more words now. In a couple of weeks, he will start preschool two days a week. He loves to sit in Bryan's lap and watch ball. He loves for me to brush his teeth. He sleeps with his Mickey every night. He plays well with Tori...most of the time. It is fun to see them talk and play together. He still loves the Grandpas and Uncles in his life.
26 lbs. 33 inches
Brady is all boy. He loves bats, balls, hats, and trains. His favorite word is no. I am ready for that phase to be done. He can say a few more words now. In a couple of weeks, he will start preschool two days a week. He loves to sit in Bryan's lap and watch ball. He loves for me to brush his teeth. He sleeps with his Mickey every night. He plays well with Tori...most of the time. It is fun to see them talk and play together. He still loves the Grandpas and Uncles in his life.