Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Here is my Snow White and little dwarf, Happy!

Henry as Captain Hook, Virginia as Sleeping Beauty, and Tori as Snow White
I found a dwarf costume for Brady online for $100, but decided to make it for $5 instead.

Audi and Cole came to our Trunk or Treat!

Will the Lion, Emma Cate as Dorothy, and Tori

Emma Cate, Emery, and Tori

Brady, Tori, Macey, and Madison...this is really getting hard and there is only 4 of them...what's it going to be like in the future with more kiddos?

Tori and Samuel

Madison and me...all lambs love pacies don't they?


lyla said...

so cute! we should have gone along with you and holly's kids--we had tinkerbell and peter pan--we needed a captain hook :)
love tori and brady's costumes--her wig is hilarious! so cute!

Cristie said...

adorable, love the first two photos, they are so good!