Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brady's birthday party

My sweet Brady is 1 tomorrow. Everyone says how fast time goes when you have kids but seriously, it is unbelievable how fast it goes. Brady is happy, laid back, loves men, loves any kind of ball, loves his big sister,thinks it's hilarious to put anything on his head, pretends to talk on the phone, says mama, dada, hi, da (I know that's not a word, but he means ball), mi (means milk). By far, his favorite time of the day is to go with me to Tori's room when Tori wakes up from her nap. It has been such a fun year...can't wait until the next!
Brady greeting people at his party.
Virginia, EC, Tori, and Emery

I made the monkey cake and bought the green cake at Sam's.

Uh oh...you know what comes after the pulling of the string...

What is the deal with my kids and these party hats?!?

Tori coming over to cheer him up.

My cake and ice cream servers...Keeley, Amanda, and Jes. Thanks!

Tori and Libby...these two love to eat!

Time to play outside. We had amazing weather for the party!! Henry and Tori taking their turn on the swings.

Mom, Amanda, and me

The kids loved the swingset!

Frances, EC, Virginia, and Emery


The birthday boy in his swing!

His turn to slide!

Bryan looks really happy in this pic!

Madison waiting for someone to push her in the car.

Kiki and Merrill. Merrill and Emery are new big sisters to baby Henderson! He is so sweet and I can't wait to hold him again!
The kids left and then it was Audi and Cole's turn on the slide.


Vanessa said...

Looks like a fun party. Brady seems to be such a happy boy (and laid back just like his parents):) I think you did a good job on your cake!...and I love the pic of Tori cheering Brady up with her mask after the string pull

marathonmommy said...

Happy Birthday, Brady! One year? Really? I absolutely can't believe it! He's adorable and has grown up so much! Love the party pictures...sure looks like everyone had fun!

Amanda said...

WE had a great time at the party. I can't believe Brady is one either, it seems like yesterday when he was born! Will is ready for him to gang up on their sisters with him. Hope he has a wonderful Birthday. Happy Birthday Brady, we love you!

Julie said...

He is such a sweet boy!! We had so much fun at Brady's party! Thanks for including us!